Subversion is on some straight-up heavy-duty, party people.
i found the site on raymi’s comments the other day when I was strolling around, spaced-out and vaguely anxious from lack of weed.
Graham Stacey or Stacey Graham? Sunburned cock or limpn’lazy girly locks?
My momma told me to never trust anyone with two first names. Werd mama, werd.
Subversion is the dirty version private blog of a known, public blogger. I don’t know which one and I don’t really care. Well, that’s a lie—I was curious enough to google the name on the email addy left on the comment, which brought up a poopdex link which is how I found the Stacey Graham site. Sorta similar stylo...Note it is on the same domain as Subversion.
But whatever. I like masks. I honor them. If one of you knows who it really is, then email me on it, but don’t announce it here.
I read the site from beginning to end and every single word rang true, he/she/it is a red-eyed angel with crooked wings and the sky is a bell; I want to blast a bullet through the top, just like in that U2 song. I thought, could it be? My new partner? My angle, my shill, my fellow counterfeiter cranking out hundred dollar bills?
My back is in knots too, man.
I’ve got the panic pure and hardly anything good left.
Whatev. It’s Friday. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw and smoke if you got em.
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