
no, see, I’m not anti-authoritarian. just when it comes to blogs. which is why I have one. if you want rules then make love to yr day job. work hard. climb the ladder to success. go ahead. I’ll be on the escalator. if yr going to be boring and take yrself way too seriously at least make some money at it. why do it here where there’s not a cent to be had? I swear, man, you are so old and tired it's painful. you should think about trying to have some fun. whatever that means to you. have yr site fuck itself in front of a mirror. proliferate. spawn blog crews that spawn off other blog crews until you’ve got whole galaxies of shining stars, linked together like a chain reaction. each site with only one reader. who never comments. use technology to make relationships shaped like pentagons, octagons fucking parallellalellagrams. burn holes, switch styles. divide yr sensibilities, and yr attention span. if you still have one.

stand up proud. be like me. second rate, third generation.

the end of the family line.

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